Meet the Makers - December 2020

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Welcome to our “Monthly Mini Feature”! We are highlighting different local artisans and crafters who have been busy imagining, creating, dreaming, and doing. During this particularly difficult time please remember our artists and small businesses who support them as they have been and always will be valuable contributors to our quality of life, our economy, and one of the many important of facets of our community.

Our Featured Artist for the month of December 2020 is Seth Fenton! Specializing in Pyrography, the art of drawing with heat and fire, Seth creates a variety of projects including hanging wall decor, plaques, clocks, decorative boxes, and novelty items. His Christmas ornaments are currently displayed at Annmarie Gardens as part of the Annual Ornament Sale, be sure to visit and view the trees adorned with beautiful work by Seth and other local artisans!

To learn more about our featured artist, visit Mr. Fenton’s website at:, “The Burning Brush” on Facebook, and see photos of his work on Instagram @mdburningbrush.

With the many events canceled, now more than ever are our local artists appreciative of any and all purchases, special orders placed, or just a simple “hello” from their fans and followers. Thank you for supporting our community, check back soon to see who will be featured next!